Vagrant Usecases

Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a clean environment based on a standard template.

This page is simply a list of Vagrant usecases.

The list was last updated on 16 October 2016.

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Do you know of another useful items? fork it and send pull request, or Make a request and we'll add it to the list.

NameSupported ProvidersDescription Project pageBase BoxTags
drupal lxc vagrant docker vagrant-lxc Deploy and develop on Drupal with LXC, Vagrant and Docker. Incldes: nginx, php-fpm, apc, xhprof, mysql, phpmyadmin, composer. GH:ricardoamaro/drupal-lxc-vagrant-docker drupak,docker,lxc,nginx,php,php-fpm,apc,mysql
mediawiki-vagrant virtualbox a portable MediaWiki development environment. It consists of a set of configuration scripts for Vagrant and VirtualBox that automate the creation of a virtual machine that runs MediaWiki. mediawikivirtualbox
phpstorm virtualbox Vagrant support in PhpStorm
pycharm virtualbox pycharm supports vagrant
vagrant swift all in one virtualbox, vmware-fusion OpenStack Swift All-in-One recipe with Vagrant GH:swiftstack/vagrant-swift-all-in-one
vagrant-httpproxy virtualbox, vmware, libvirt, kvm, non-cloud providers sets up generic HTTP and HTTPS proxy settings on a Vagrant target so that you can do Chef cookbook development while offline (say, on an airplane). GH:juliandunn/vagrant-httpproxy
vagrant-plugin An experimental plugin for Jenkins to use Vagrant GH:rtyler/vagrant-plugin jenkins

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